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  • B0114 B0101 693# 694# 695# B0113 B0099 696# B0100
  • B0114 B0101 693# 694# 695# B0113 B0099 696# B0100
  • B0114 B0101 693# 694# 695# B0113 B0099 696# B0100
  • B0114 B0101 693# 694# 695# B0113 B0099 696# B0100
  • B0114 B0101 693# 694# 695# B0113 B0099 696# B0100
  • B0114 B0101 693# 694# 695# B0113 B0099 696# B0100
  • B0114 B0101 693# 694# 695# B0113 B0099 696# B0100
  • B0114 B0101 693# 694# 695# B0113 B0099 696# B0100
B0114 B0101 693# 694# 695# B0113 B0099 696# B0100

SERIAL NUMBER:B0114、B0101、693#、694#、695#、B0113、B0099、696#、B0100,CAPACITY:30ml、50ml、100ml、110ml、120ml、150ml、250ml、300ml、500ml,BOTTLE MATERIAL:PETG

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Manufacturer of shampoo plastic bottles picture1

Manufacturer of shampoo plastic bottles picture2

Manufacturer of shampoo plastic bottles picture3

Manufacturer of shampoo plastic bottles picture4