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How to solve the deformation problem of PET plastic bottles during the production process?

The deformation problem of PET plastic bottles during production can be solved from the following aspects:

PET plastic bottle   picture1

Raw material control: The quality of raw materials directly affects the quality and production efficiency of PET plastic bottles. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control the quality of raw materials and choose high-quality PET raw materials during the production process.

PET plastic bottle   picture2

Equipment adjustment: The production equipment of PET plastic bottles requires precise adjustments, including temperature, pressure, speed and other parameters, to ensure the stability and consistency of the production process.

PET plastic bottle   picture3

Process optimization: The production process of PET plastic bottles needs to be optimized based on the characteristics of raw materials and equipment, including the optimization of process flow and production parameters, in order to improve production efficiency and product quality.

PET plastic bottle   picture4

Quality inspection: During the production process, it is necessary to strengthen quality inspection, promptly identify and solve problems, and avoid the occurrence of substandard product quality.

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Environmental control: The production environment also has a certain impact on the deformation of PET plastic bottles. Therefore, it is necessary to control the temperature, humidity and other parameters of the production environment to ensure the stability and consistency of the production environment.

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In summary, solving the deformation problem of PET plastic bottles during the production process requires comprehensive consideration from aspects such as raw material control, equipment adjustment, process optimization, quality testing, and environmental control.